Arctic Radiation - IceBridge Sea & Ice Experiment

ARISE was NASA's first Arctic airborne campaign designed to take simultaneous measurements of ice, clouds and the levels of incoming and outgoing radiation, the balance of which determined the degree of climate warming. Over the past few decades, an increase in global temperatures led to decreased Arctic summer sea ice. Typically, Arctic sea ice reflects sunlight from the Earth. However, a loss of sea ice means there is more open water to absorb heat from the sun, enhancing warming in the region. More open water can also cause the release of more moisture into the atmosphere. This additional moisture could affect cloud formation and the exchange of heat from Earth’s surface to space. Conducted during the peak of summer ice melt (August 28, 2014-October 1, 2014), ARISE was designed to study and collect data on thinning sea ice, measure cloud and atmospheric properties in the Arctic, and to address questions about the relationship between retreating sea ice and the Arctic climate. During the campaign, instruments on NASA’s C-130 aircraft conducted measurements of spectral and broadband radiative flux profiles, quantified surface characteristics, cloud properties, and atmospheric state parameters under a variety of Arctic atmospheric and surface conditions (e.g. open water, sea ice, and land ice). When possible, C-130 flights were coordinated to fly under satellite overpasses. The primary aerial focus of ARISE was over Arctic sea ice and open water, with minor coverage over Greenland land ice. Through these efforts, the ARISE field campaign helped improve cloud and sea ice computer modeling in the Arctic.

Collection Disciplines Spatial Temporal
ARISE C-130 Aircraft Merge Data Files
Aerosols,  Radiation Budget,  Tropospheric Composition Spatial Coverage:
(S: 35, N: 82), (W: -170, E: -72)
Temporal Coverage:
2014-08-30 - 2014-10-06
Collection Disciplines Spatial Temporal
ARISE 2014 C-130 Remotely Sensed Aerosol and Trace Gas Data
Aerosols,  Clouds Spatial Coverage:
(S: -26.69, N: 82), (W: -170, E: 160.13)
Temporal Coverage:
2014-08-30 - 2014-10-05
ARISE 2014 C-130 In-Situ Cloud Data
Clouds Spatial Coverage:
(S: -6.18, N: 82), (W: -170, E: 160.12)
Temporal Coverage:
2014-08-30 - 2014-09-25
ARISE 2014 C-130 In-Situ Meteorological and Navigational Data
Field Campaigns Spatial Coverage:
(S: 35, N: 82), (W: -170, E: -72)
Temporal Coverage:
2014-09-01 - 2014-10-05
ARISE 2014 C-130 In-Situ Radiation Data
Radiation Budget Spatial Coverage:
(S: -37.93, N: 82), (W: -170, E: 14.25)
Temporal Coverage:
2014-08-30 - 2014-10-05

ARISE Mission Publications

Dodson, J. Brant; Taylor, Patrick C.; Moore, Richard H.; Bromwich, David H.; Hines, Keith M.; Thornhill, Kenneth L.; Corr, Chelsea A.; Anderson, Bruce E.; Winstead, Edward L.; Bennett, Joseph R. (2020). Evaluation of simulated cloud liquid water in low clouds over the Beaufort Sea in the Arctic System Reanalysis using ARISE airborne in situ observations.

Smith, William L.; Hansen, Christy; Bucholtz, Anthony; Anderson, Bruce E.; Beckley, Matthew; Corbett, Joseph G.; Cullather, Richard I.; Hines, Keith M.; Hofton, Michelle; Kato, Seiji; Lubin, Dan; Moore, Richard H.; Segal Rosenhaimer, Michal; Redemann, Jens; Schmidt, Sebastian; Scott, Ryan; Song, Shi; Barrick, John D.; Blair, J. Bryan; Bromwich, David H.; Brooks, Colleen; Chen, Gao; Cornejo, Helen; Corr, Chelsea A.; Ham, Seung-Hee; Kittelman, A. Scott; Knappmiller, Scott; LeBlanc, Samuel; Loeb, Norman G.; Miller, Colin; Nguyen, Louis; Palikonda, Rabindra; Rabine, David; Reid, Elizabeth A.; Richter-Menge, Jacqueline A.; Pilewskie, Peter; Shinozuka, Yohei; Spangenberg, Douglas; Stackhouse, Paul; Taylor, Patrick; Thornhill, K. Lee; van Gilst, David; Winstead, Edward (2018). Arctic Radiation-IceBridge Sea and Ice Experiment: The Arctic Radiant Energy System during the Critical Seasonal Ice Transition. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98 (7), 1399.

Segal Rozenhaimer M, Barton N, Redemann J, Schmidt S, LeBlanc S, Anderson B, Winstead E, Corr C A, Moore R, Thornhill K L and Cullather R I (2018). Bias and Sensitivity of Boundary Layer Clouds and Surface Radiative Fluxes in MERRA-2 and Airborne Observations Over the Beaufort Sea During the ARISE Campaign. JGR Atmospheres,