Early Adopters Workshop for the NASA Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA)

Early Adopters Workshop for the NASA Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA)

Early Adopters Workshop for the NASA Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA): Speciated Particulate Matter Datasets for Epidemiologists, Exposure Scientists, Air Quality Managers and Others

The NASA Multi-angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) is a satellite instrument currently in development at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory with a launch planned for 2022. The MAIA investigation seeks to understand how different types of particulate matter (PM) affect human health, including acute and chronic conditions and birth outcomes. The MAIA satellite instrument will collect data that will be combined with surface monitor measurements and chemical transport modeling to produce daily-averaged concentrations of speciated PM over a set of globally distributed target areas. These data products will be used by epidemiologists on the MAIA Science Team to conduct health studies. The PM data will also be freely available. MAIA has established an Early Adopters Program aimed at helping those interested in MAIA data products understand how to use them. Early Adopters also provide important feedback to the MAIA team regarding the extent to which the MAIA data products meet the needs of various user communities.

This Early Adopters webinar is open to anyone interested in using MAIA data in the future. Participants will hear a summary of the MAIA project, the selected target areas, the PM retrieval strategy, and the planned data products. They will also hear from MAIA science team members and other Early Adopters about their plans to use MAIA data. Participants can join the MAIA Early Adopters community to be invited to future MAIA workshops and trainings and be eligible to receive MAIA Simulated Data products pre-launch in order to begin preparations to incorporate MAIA data into their workflow.

Join the Early Adopters mailing list by filling out this form here: https://maia.jpl.nasa.gov/assets/pdf/MAIA_Early_Adopters_Program.pdf

The webinar was recorded and posted on YouTube. Learn more about the MAIA mission on the interactive Introduction to MAIA & TEMPO ArcGIS StoryMap

Convener and Chair:

Abigail (Abbey) Nastan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA


John Haynes, NASA HQ, Washington, D.C.

Dr. Dave Diner, MAIA PI, Pasadena, CA

Jeff Walter, ASDC DAAC, Hampton, VA

Dr. Sagnik Dey, New Delhi, India

Dr. Meredith Franklin, Los Angeles, CA

Photo Credits: Madison Broddle

Posted on the ISEE Global Education Channel on November 19, 2020.

MAIA PTA and STA graphic in ArcGIS.png